New York state-based Manifest Glassworks (or MGW) has been making quality American production glass for over a decade now as though it were their destiny to do so. Bonz, the owner and company mastermind, has been working glass for over fifteen years and made a name for himself back in the day by making functional art out of custom stick stacks and early dichroic glass that has truly stood the test of time for both design and style. Priding themselves on being part of the American Craft movement they use all American manufactured materials to make stemless water pipes, traditional water pipes, bubblers, vapor rigs, ash catchers, and more. Their work is not restricted to simple single color or clear glass, either, they also produce tubes with reversal work and fuming, too.
When it comes to scientific diffusion MGW is probably best known for their distinctive CIRQ and Birdcage percolator designs. The CIRQ, a perc tube inside an oversized showerhead perc , gives you 360° diffusion through the precision cut slits for maximum filtration on Manifest Glass tubes; the Birdcage features four different uptakes feeding 360° of percolation. Between these two percs once you add in a diffused downstem you have all the right elements for perfectly filtered smoke or vapor...Although don't be surprised to see these New York madmen stacking multiple levels of vapor refinement onto a single piece.
Illuzion Glass Galleries' have been proud to see Manifest Glasswork's crowned and three-eyed lion staring out from our shelves since the beginning, they were one of the first tube companies we stocked to try and get affordable, quality, American-made production to the consumer. Since then we have only seen their style and technique get better all the way around, we truly look forward to seeing what the next hot thing from this company is over our next ten years in business!